WWI- Selling the War to Unwilling Buyers
Alexander Berkman & Emma Goldman: Anarchists deported under the Esp & Sed. Acts for protesting the war
During World War I, the US was divided on whether to participate. Many felt it was a European and the US had no business getting involved. Some argued it was a war of empires and we should stay out (remember we never felt that we were imperialists!); others saw it as a war of capitalism- a way for big business to get rich selling their products to warring countries while keeping American workers in barely livable wages (in other words profiteering off others' misery- both our workers & ultimately the Europeans); finally some simply felt the war was immoral (killing to bring peace was never right).
The US ended up resorting to a draft (the Selective Service Act), propaganda, & even denying civil liberties (like freedom of speech, press, & assembly)to those who disagreed with the war.
Ultimately these worked, the Selective Service was responible for almost 1/2 of the 4.8 Million "doughboys" who served in WWI. Propaganda helped get Americans to ration their goods and buy war bonds. And the Esp. & Sed. Acts quashed (crushed) dissent toward the warby imprisoning & in some cases deporting them from the US
BUT here are the question(s):
1. Were these methods ethical? What do you think Meyersonians?
2.In a time of war is it reasonable to (a) draft men (& WOMEN!)to serve in the military, (b) use propaganda to convince Americans to support a war, & (c) suspend civil liberties to keep dissension from occurring & the nation united?
3. What are the implications for today? Should a draft be instituted for the War in Iraq? Why or why not? When is propaganda allowable & when is it harmful to us? What about our civil liberties? Would you give them up for greater unity? What about greater peace?